Tag Archives: economy

Hey! Relevant Advice for Millennials

I was astonished to receive a 97/100 on my “Are you a millennial” quiz. I realized being a millennial is not only a mindset, but a culmination of experiences, actions, and self-expressive techniques. For example, one of the questions was “do you have a tattoo”. That question, to me, is more about a counter-culturalist and expressive state rather than a generation definer. Continue reading Hey! Relevant Advice for Millennials

Is Risk Fun?

We have looked at apple extensively this semester. We can establish Apple is extremely secretive about company operations. We observed how apple distanced themselves from the FoxConn Operations with slickness and panache. We looked in depth about the cult-like consumer culture of apple, especially due to their affinity for alliteration. Just kidding. Continue reading Is Risk Fun?